25 March 2011

Apropos Advertisements? (or, a New Game for All)

As I was scrolling through all the channels on my TV this morning, I stopped by the Food Network to check out what Paula Dean was whipping up because I like to turn her shows into a drinking/smoking game. If she adds butter thats a drink, a whole stick of butter is a shot, anytime she says "yall" that's a drink, and if she adds bacon that's a rip from the bong. Anyways, right as I tune in, as always, the show goes to commercial, and they may have been the most fitting commercials I've ever seen. Wilford Brimley and his epic mustache stopped by to tell me about how to take care of diabeetus, then there was a proactiv commercial for all the pizza faces out there, and then there was a commercial for a diabeetus cookbook. I figured the significance of these commercials are two fold. First, they definitely reflect the needs of Paula's audience that's filled with obese pizza faces, but in a somewhat subliminal way, it's  a warning; the commercials give younge viewers a glimpse at their potential future. "Oh, you like Paula Dean and her food do you?" the commercials ask, "Well, not only will you die obese and with amputated legs, but you'll also have one scarred fucking face."

The following picture is related; it's another subliminal message of your potential future if you continue down Deen's direction.

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