15 October 2014

Stoner Theology from Pynchon's Inherent Vice

"Back in his beach pad there was a velvet painting of Jesus riding goofy-foot on a rough-hewn board with outriggers, meant to suggest a crucifix, through surf seldom observed on the Sea of Galilee, though this hardly presented a challenge to Flip's faith. What was 'walking on water,' if it wasn't Bible talk for surfing? In Australia once, a local surfer, holding the biggest can of beer Flip had ever seen, had even sold him a fragment of the True Board."

07 October 2014

The Modern Man

We discovered happiness; we know the way; we found the way out of thousands of years of labyrinth. Who else found it? Not the modern man, surely? "I do no know where I am or what I am to do; I am everything that knows not where it is or what to do," sighs the modern man. We were made quite ill by this modernity, with its indolent peace, its cowardly compromise, and the whole of the virtuous filth of its Yea and Nay. 
-Friedrich Nietzsche